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MORAIS, A.N.A.L.A.U.R.A. ; ITURRALDE, G.I.U.L.Y.G. ; ALMEIDA, D.I.A.N.A.J.K. ; BICHUETTE, M.A.R.I.A.E.L.I.N.A. ; GALLÃO, J.O.N.A.S.E.D.U.A.R.D.O. ; LEAL-ZANCHET, A.N.A. ; VALIATI, V.I.C.T.O.R.H. . The remarkable richness of Girardia (Platyhelminthes: Tricladida) in Brazilian subterranean habitats: two new species from sandstone and limestone caves. ZOOLOGISCHER ANZEIGER, v. 314, p. 100-112, 2025.

QUINTELA, FERNANDO MARQUES ; PEREIRA, JÉSSICA BANDEIRA ; GONZALEZ, ENRIQUE ; Valiati, Victor Hugo ; FREITAS, THALES R. O. ; GONÇALVES, GISLENE LOPES . Constricted range and limited genetic variation in Reig?s Grass Mouse Akodon reigi (Cricetidae: Sigmodontinae) in the Southern Campos. Mammal Research, v. 2025, p. x-Y, 2025.

MULLER, V. ; KRAMER, H. S. ; PACHECO, F. ; EHRENRING, H. Z. ; CHRIST, R. ; Valiati, V.H. ; MODOLO, R. C. E. ; TUTIKIAN, B. F. . Survey of Indigenous Bacteria as a Simplified Alternative to Produce Self-Healing Cementitious Matrices. Coatings, v. 15, p. 152--, 2025.


MARMITT, M.; CAUDURO, G. P. ; SBRUZZI, R. ; VALIATI, V. H. . Evaluation of differentially expressed candidate genes in benzo[a]pyrene degradation by Burkholderia vietnamiensis G4. Molecular Biotechnology, v. X, p. 1-12, 2024.

ESTOL, NARELLE ; Valiati, Victor Hugo ; BRESCOVIT, ANTONIO D. ; RODRIGUES, EVERTON NEI LOPES . On the Neotropical species of the spider genus Tekellina Levi, 1957 (Arachnida: Araneae: Synotaxidae). European Journal of Taxonomy, v. 943, p. 154-178, 2024.

SCHUCK, L. K. ; NEELY, W. J. ; BUTTIMER, S. M. ; MOSER, C. F. ; BARTH, P. C. ; LISKOSKI, P. E. ; CABERLON, C. A. ; VALIATI, V.H. ; TOZETTI, A. M. ; BECKER, C. G. . Effects of grassland controlled burning on symbiotic skin microbes in Neotropical amphibians. Scientific Reports, v. 14, p. X-Y, 2024.

MARTA, KIMBERLY S. ; BUSTAMANTE, ABEL A. ; HAGOPIÁN, DAMIÁN ; TEIXEIRA, RENATO A. ; BRESCOVIT, A. D. ; VALIATI, V.H. ; RODRIGUES, EVERTON N. L. . Taxonomic revision of the jumping spider genus Tullgrenella Mello-Leitão, 1941 (Araneae: Salticidae: Freyina). ZOOTAXA (ONLINE), 2024.


VALIATI, Victor Hugo; LOPES, F. . Editorial: Molecular Systematics and Phylogeography of Tropical and Subtropical Biodiversity.. Frontiers in Genetics, v. 14, p. x-y, 2023.

AMARAL, IZIDORO SARMENTO DO ; BANDEIRA PEREIRA, JÉSSICA ; VANCINE, MAURÍCIO HUMBERTO ; MORALES, ARIADNA E. ; ALTHOFF, SÉRGIO LUIZ ; GREGORIN, RENATO ; PEREIRA, MARIA JOÃO RAMOS ; VALIATI, V.H. ; ROSA DE OLIVEIRA, LARISSA . -Where do they live? Predictive geographic distribution of Tadarida brasiliensis brasiliensis (Chiroptera, Molossidae) in South America. NEOTROPICAL BIOLOGYAND CONSERVATION, v. 18, p. 139-156, 2023.

NEELY, W. J. ; MARTINS, R. A. ; SILVA, C. M. M. ; SILVA, T. F. ; FLECK, L. E. ; WHETSTONE, R. D. ; WOODHAMS, D. C. ; COOK, W. H. ; PRIST, P. R. ; VALIATI, V.H. ; GREENSPAN, S. E. ; TOZETTI, A. M. ; EARLEY, R. L. ; BECKER, C. G. . Linking microbiome and stress hormone responses in wild tropical treefrogs across continuous and fragmented forests. Communications Biology, v. 1261, p. x-x, 2023.


ALLGAYER, H. ; CHRISTOFF, Alexandre Uarth ; PETERS, F.B. ; ROTH, P. R. O. ; JARDIM, M. M. A.; VALIATI, V.H. . Genetic differentiation pattern and evidence of an early speciation process in the genus Reithrodon (Rodentia: Sigmodontinae).. MAMMALIAN BIOLOGY, v. XXX, p. 1-15, 2022.

CAUDURO, Guilherme Pinto Cauduro ; SOUZA, M. M. ; FERRAZ, M. ; AREND, S. N. ; KERN, G. ; MODOLO, R. C. E. ; LEAL, A. L. ; VALIATI, V.H. . Burkholderia vietnamiensis G4 as a biological agent in bioremediation processes of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in sludge farms. ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING AND ASSESSMENT, v. 195, p. 195, 116, 2022.

ITURRALDE, G. G. ; ALLGAYER, H. ; VALIATI, V.H ; LEAL-ZANCHET, A. . A new species of land planarian split off from Luteostriata ernesti (Leal-Zanchet & Froehlich, 2006) based on an integrative approach. STUDIES ON NEOTROPICAL FAUNA AND ENVIRONMENT, v. xx, p. 1-15, 2022.


MARTA, KIMBERLY S. ; BUSTAMANTE, ABEL A. ; RUIZ, GUSTAVO R. S. ; TEIXEIRA, RENATO A. ; HAGOPIÁN, DAMIÁN ; BRESCOVIT, ANTONIO D. ; VALIATI, VICTOR HUGO; RODRIGUES, EVERTON N. L. . A new huriine genus and notes on morphological characters (Araneae: Salticidae: Salticinae). ZOOTAXA (ONLINE), v. 5124, p. 431-457, 2022.


ALLGAYER, H. ; CHRISTOFF, Alexandre Uarth ; PETERS, F.B. ; ROTH, P. R. O. ; JARDIM, M. M. A. ; Valiati, V. H. . Genetic differentiation pattern and evidence of an early speciation process in the genus Reithrodon (Rodentia: Sigmodontinae).. MAMMALIAN BIOLOGY, v. XXX, p. 1-15, 2022.

MARTA, KIMBERLY S. ; ALMEIDA, DIANA J. K. ; VALIATI, VICTOR HUGO; BRESCOVIT, ANTONIO D. ; RODRIGUES, EVERTON N. L. . On species group Chira G. W. Peckham & E. G. Peckham, 1896: taxonomy and distribution updates (Araneae: Salticidae: Freyina). STUDIES ON NEOTROPICAL FAUNA AND ENVIRONMENT, v. xxx, p. 1-20, 2022.



SILVA, V. S. ; SKUERESKY, N. ; LOPES, F. ; KOCH, T. K. ; OTT, P. H. ; SICILIANO, S. ; BARRETO, A. S. ; SECCH, E. R. ; MEIRELLES, A. C. O. ; CARVALHO, V. L. ; BORGES, J. C. G. ; DANILEWICZ, D. ; FARRO, A. P. C. ; BARBOSA, L. A. ; MARTINS JR, S. J. ; DOMIT, C. ; SERRANO, I. ; SILVA, T. ; TRINCA, C. ; MARMONTEL, M. ; EMIN-LIMA, N. R. ; VALIATI, V.H. ; EIZIRIK, Eduardo ; OLIVEIRA, Larissa Rosa de . Integrating morphology and DNA barcoding to assess cetacean diversity in Brazil. Mammal Research, v. 66, p. 1-21, 2021.

CAUDURO, GUILHERME PINTO ; LEAL, ANA LUSIA ; MARMITT, MARCELA ; DE ÁVILA, LETÍCIA GOMES ; KERN, GABRIELA ; QUADROS, PATRÍCIA DÖRR ; MAHENTHIRALINGAM, ESHWAR ; VALIATI, Victor Hugo . New benzo(a)pyrene-degrading strains of the Burkholderia cepacia complex prospected from activated sludge in a petrochemical wastewater treatment plant. ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING AND ASSESSMENT, v. 193, p. 163, 2021.

ITURRALDE, G. G. ; ALLGAYER, H.; VALIATI, Victor Hugo ; LEAL-ZANCHET, A.. Seeing the true colours: three new species of Obama (Platyhelminthes:Continenticola) from remnants of Atlantic forest in southern Brazil based on an integrative approach. INVERTEBRATE SYSTEMATICS, v. 35, p. 312-331, 2021.

ABREU, EDSON FIEDLER ; JUNG, DIEGO MARQUES HENRIQUES; CHRISTOFF, Alexandre UarthVALIATI, Victor Hugo; JANSA, SHARON A.; PERCEQUILLO, ALEXANDRE REIS. Systematics of Hershkovitz, 1998 (Rodentia, Sigmodontinae): molecular species delimitation and morphological analyses suggest an overestimation in species diversity. SYSTEMATICS AND BIODIVERSITY, v. 2021, p. 1-26, 2021.


AUBIN, MATEUS RAUBACK ; RIGHI, RODRIGO DA ROSA; VALIATI, Victor Hugo; COSTA, CRISTIANO ANDRÉ DA ; ANTUNES, RODOLFO STOFFEL; GALANTE, GUILHERME. Helastic: On combining threshold-based and Serverless elasticity approaches for optimizing the execution of bioinformatics applications. Journal of Computational Science, v. XXX, p. 101407, 2021.

MILMANN, LUCAS ; TAGUCHI, MIOKO ; Siciliano, Salvatore ; BAUMGARTEN, JÚLIO E. ; OLIVEIRA, LARISSA R.; VALIATI, Victor Hugo; GOTO, MUTSUO ; OTT, PAULO H. ; PASTENE, LUIS A.. New genetic evidences for distinct populations of the common minke whale (Balaenoptera acutorostrata) in the Southern Hemisphere. POLAR BIOLOGY, v. XXX, p. 1-16, 2021.

MACHADO, Rodrigo ; PEREZ, M. S. ; ARUS, B. A. ; LIMA, R. C. ; BOTTA, S. ; VALIATI, Victor HugoOLIVEIRA, Larissa Rosa de ; CARLOS, C. J.  Penguin predation by extra-limital sub-Antarctic fur seals Arctocephalus tropicalis.. POLAR BIOLOGY, v. xx, p. x-y, 2021.​


FERRAZ, M., BAUER, A.L., VALIATI, VICTOR HUGO, SCHULZ, UWE HORST.. Microplastic Concentrations in Raw and Drinking Water in the Sinos River, Southern Brazil. WATER, v. 12, p. 1-10, 2020.

CARDOSO-DOS-SANTOS, AUGUSTO CÉSAR ; RAMALLO, VIRGINIA ; ZAGONEL-OLIVEIRA, MARCELO ; VERONEZ, MAURÍCIO ROBERTO ; NAVARRO, PABLO ; MONLLEÓ, ISABELLA L. ;VALIATI, VICTOR HUGO; DIPIERRI, JOSÉ EDGARDO ; SCHULER-FACCINI, LAVINIA . An invincible memory: what surname analysis tells us about history, health and population medical genetics in the Brazilian Northeast. JOURNAL OF BIOSOCIAL SCIENCE, v. 52, p. 1-16, 2020.

CAUDURO, G. P.; LEAL, A. L.; LOPES, T. F.; SOUZA, M. M.; VALIATI, V.H. Differential expression and PAH degradation: what Burkholderia vietnamiensis G4 can tell us?. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MICROBIOLOGY (PRINT). , v.2020, - xxx, 2020.

PREUSS, J.; GREENSPAN, S.; ROSSI, E.; LUCAS, E.; NEELY, W.; VALIATI, V.H.; WOODHAMS, D.; BECKER, C. G.; TOZETTI, A. M. Widespread Pig Farming Practice Linked to Shifts in Skin Microbiomes and Disease in Pond-Breeding Amphibians. ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY. , v.XXX, p.XX - XX, 2020.

NEGRETE, L.; AMARAL, S. V.; RIBEIRO, G. G.; GONÇALVES, J. W. ; VALIATI, V. H. ; DAMBORENEA, C. ; BRUSA, F. ; LEAL-ZANCHET, A. M. . Far away, so close! Integrative taxonomy reveals a new genus and species of land flatworm (Platyhelminthes: Geoplanidae) from southern South America. ZOOLOGICAL JOURNAL OF THE LINNEAN SOCIETY, v. x, p. 1, 2020.​



AVILA, F. R. ; OLIVEIRA, M. ; BORGES-MARTINS, M. ; OLIVEIRA, J. M. ; VALIATI, V.H. ; TOZETTI, A. M. . Does color polymorphism affect the predation risk on Phalotris lemniscatus (Duméril, Bibron and Duméril, 1854) (Serpentes, Dipsadidae)? . Acta Herpetologica, 2019.

HACK, I. R. ; AMARAL, S. V. ; RIBEIRO, G. G. ; MÜLLER, Mário Josias ; VALIATI, V. H. ; LEAL-ZANCHET, A. M. . Phylogenetic relationships within the flatworm genus Matuxia (Platyhelminthes, Tricladida, Continenticola) inferred from molecular data with the description of a southern lineage of the genus. ORGANISMS DIVERSITY & EVOLUTION, v. 40, p. 1-14, 2019.

OLIVEIRA, Larissa Rosa de ; FRAGA, LÚCIA D ; OTT, PAULO H ; Siciliano, Salvatore ; LOPES, FERNANDO ; ALMEIDA, RAQUEL ; WICKERT, JANAÍNA C ; MILMANN, LUCAS ; DANILEWICZ, DANIEL ; EMIN-LIMA, NEUSA RENATA ; MEIRELLES, ANA CAROLINA ; LUZ, VITOR ; DO NASCIMENTO, LÍDIO FRANÇA ; DE THOISY, BENOIT ; TAVARES, MAURÍCIO ; ZERBINI, ALEXANDRE N ; BAUMGARTEN, MELINA ; VALIATI, VICTOR HUGO; BONATTO, SANDRO L . Population structure, phylogeography, and genetic diversity of the common bottlenose dolphin in the tropical and subtropical southwestern Atlantic Ocean. JOURNAL OF MAMMALOGY, v. 100, p. 1-15, 2019.

WIRTH, A. ; PACHECO, F. ; TOMA, N. A. ; TUTIKIAN, B. F. ; VALIATI, V. H. ; GOMES, L. . Analysis of fungal growth on different coatings applied to lightweight systems.. REVISTA DE INGENIERÍA DE CONSTRUCCIÓN (EN LÍNEA), v. 34, p. 5-14, 2019.


SOUZA, F. A. ; Sperb, Christian ; CASTILHO, C. L. ; FIGUEIREDO, P. I. ; GONCALVES, E. T. ; MACHADO, Rodrigo ; OLIVEIRA, Larissa Rosa de ; VALIATI, Victor Hugo ; FAGUNDES, N. J. R. . Molecular identification of shark meat from local markets in Southern Brazil based on dna barcoding: evidence for mislabelling and trade of endangered species . Frontiers in Genetics, v. 9, p. 1-12, 2018.

MARQUES, A. D. ; HACK, I. R. ; VALIATI, Victor HugoLEAL-ZANCHET, A. M.  Integrative approach reveals two new species of Obama (Platyhelminthes: Tricladida) from the South-Brazilian Atlantic Forest. ZOOTAXA, v. 4455, p. 99, 2018.

AMARAL, S. V.; RIBEIRO, G. G.; VALIATI, Victor Hugo; ZANCHET, Ana Maria Leal. Body doubles: an integrative taxonomic approach reveals new sibling species of land planarians. Invertebrate Systematics, p. 533-550, 2018.

AMARAL, S. V. ; RIBEIRO, G. G. ; MÜLLER, Mário Josias ; VALIATI, Victor Hugo ; LEAL-ZANCHET, A. M. . Tracking the diversity of the flatworm genus Imbira (Platyhelminthes) in the Atlantic Forest. Organisms Diversity & Evolution, v. 1, p. 1-13, 2018.

PITTOL, Michele ; SCULLY, E. ; MILLER, D. ; DURSO, L. ; FIUZA, Lídia Mariana ; VALIATI V. H. . Bacterial Community of the Rice Floodwater Using Cultivation-Independent Approaches. International Journal of Microbiology (PRINT), v. 2018, p. 1-13, 2018.

Zanini, Rebeca ; MÜLLER, Mário Josias ; VIEIRA, GILBERTO CAVALHEIRO ; VALIATI, Victor Hugo ; DEPRÁ, MARÍNDIA ; VALENTE, Vera Lúcia da Silva . Combining morphology and molecular data to improve Drosophila paulistorum (Diptera, Drosophilidae) taxonomic status. FLY, v. x, p. 1-14, 2018.​


OLIVEIRA, Larissa Rosa de ; GEHARA, MARCELO C. M. ; FRAGA, LÚCIA D. ; LOPES, FERNANDO ; T?NEZ, JUAN IGNACIO ; CASSINI, MARCELO H. ; MAJLUF, PATRICIA ; C?RDENAS-ALAYZA, SUSANA ; PAV?S, H?CTOR J. ; CRESPO, ENRIQUE ALBERTO ; GARCIA, NESTOR ; LOIZAGA DE CASTRO, ROC?O ; HOELZEL, A. RUS ; SEP?LVEDA, MARITZA ; OLAVARR?A, CARLOS ; VALIATI, Victor Hugo ; QUI?ONES, RENATO ; P?REZ-ALVAREZ, MARIA JOSE ; OTT, PAULO HENRIQUE ; Bonatto, Sandro L. . Ancient female philopatry, asymmetric male gene flow, and synchronous population expansion support the influence of climatic oscillations on the evolution of South American sea lion (Otaria flavescens). PLoS One, v. 12, p. e0179442, 2017.


FRUET, Pedro Friedrich ; ROSA, Luciano Dalla ; GENOVES, RODRIGO CÉZAR ; VALIATI, Victor Hugo ; FREITAS, THALES RENATO O. ; MÖLLER, LUCIANA M. . Biopsy darting of common bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) in southern Brazil: evaluating effectiveness, short-term responses and wound healing. Latin American Journal of Aquatic Mammals, v. 11, p. 121-132, 2016.

SICILIANO, S. ; VALIATI, Victor Hugo ; EMIN-LIMA, R. ; COSTA, A. F. ; SARTOR, J. ; DORNELES, T. F. K. ; SILVA JUNIOR, J. S. E. ; OLIVEIRA, Larissa Rosa de . New genetic data extend the range of river dolphins Inia in the Amazon Delta. Hydrobiologia (The Hague. Print), v. x, p. x-x, 2016.

RIBEIRO, Maria Helena Lima ; REALI, C. ; PITTOL, Michele ; SAUL, Danilo de Athayde ; MACEDO, Vera Regina Mussoi; VALIATI, Victor Hugo ; MACHADO, Vilmar ; FIUZA, Lídia Mariana . Diversity of culturable Gram-negative bacteria isolated from irrigation water of two rice crop regions in Southern Brazil. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment (Print), v. 188, p. 1-8, 2016.

CHRISTOFF, ALEXANDRE U. ; VIEIRA, EMERSON M. ; OLIVEIRA, LARISSA R. ; GONÇALVES, JULIANA W. ; VALIATI, Victor H. ; TOMASI, PAULO S. . A new species of Juliomys (Rodentia, Cricetidae, Sigmodontinae) from the Atlantic Forest of Southern Brazil. JOURNAL OF MAMMALOGY, v. 97, p. 1469-1482, 2016.

MACHADO, CAROLINA DE BARROS ; ISHIZUKA, TAMYLIN KAORI ; FREITAS, PATRÍCIA DOMINGUES DE ; VALIATI, Victor Hugo ; GALETTI, PEDRO MANOEL . DNA barcoding reveals taxonomic uncertainty in Salminus (Characiformes). SYSTEMATICS AND BIODIVERSITY, v. 15, p. 1-11, 2016.​



SCHERER, J.F.M. ; SCHERER, A. L. ; Barbieri, E ; PETRY, Maria Virgínia ; VALIATI, Victor Hugo . Trace elements concentrations in Buff-breasted Sandpiper sampled in Lagoa do Peixe National Park, Southern Brazil. Brazilian Journal of Biology (Online), v. 1, p. 1-10, 2015.

BRUMMELHAUS, J. ; VALIATI, Victor Hugo; PETRY, MARIA VIRGINIA . Morphometric variation in chinstrap penguins: molecular sexing and discriminant functions in the South Shetland Islands, Antarctica. Antarctic Science (Print), v. 28, p. 1-6, 2015.

LOPES, F. R. V. ; Hoffman, J. I. ; VALIATI, Victor Hugo; BONATTO, S. L. ; Wolf, Jochen B.W. ; TRILLMICH, F. ; OLIVEIRA, Larissa Rosa de . Fine-scale matrilineal population structure in the Galapagos fur seal and its implications for conservation management. Conservation Genetics, v. X, p. 1-15, 2015.

HACK, I. R. ; AMARAL, S. V. ; RIBEIRO, G. G. ; CAUDURO, Guilherme Pinto Cauduro ; Fick, Israel ; VALIATI, Victor Hugo; LEAL-ZANCHET, A. M. . Two new Geoplaninae species (Platyhelminthes: Continenticola) from Southern Brazil based on an integrative taxonomic approach. Journal of Natural History, v. 1, p. 1-29, 2015.

BORGES COSTA, ANA PAULA ; FRUET, Pedro ; DAURA-JORGE, F'BIO GON'ALVES ; SIM'ES-LOPES, PAULO C'SAR ; OTT, PAULO HENRIQUE ; VALIATI, Victor Hugo; DE OLIVEIRA, LARISSA ROSA . Bottlenose dolphin communities from the southern Brazilian coast: do they exchange genes or are they just neighbours?. Marine and Freshwater Research, v. 62, p. 1201-1210, 2015.


Pittol, Michele ; DURSO, Lisa; VALIATI, Victor Hugo; FIUZA, LIDIA MARIANA . Agronomic and environmental aspects of diazotrophic bacteria in rice fields. Annals of Microbiology, v. 66, p. 511-527, 2015.


MACHADO, LEONARDO FERREIRA ; PASSAIA, Milena Henrique ; RODRIGUES, FERNANDO PACHECO ; PETERS, FELIPE BORTOLOTTO ; SPONCHIADO, JONAS; VALIATI, Victor Hugo; CHRISTOFF, Alexandre Uarth. Molecular phylogenetic position of endangered Wilfredomys within Sigmodontinae (Cricetidae) based on mitochondrial and nuclear DNA sequences and comments on Wiedomyini. ZOOTAXA (ONLINE), v. 3986, p. 421-434, 2015.​


FRUET, PEDRO F. ; SECCHI, EDUARDO R. ; DAURA-JORGE, FÁBIO ; VERMEULEN, ELS ; FLORES, PAULO A. C. ; SIMÕES-LOPES, PAULO CÉSAR ; GENOVES, RODRIGO CÉZAR ; LAPORTA, PAULA ; TULLIO, JULIANA C. ; FREITAS, THALES RENATO O. ; ROSA, Luciano Dalla; VALIATI, Victor Hugo ; BEHEREGARAY, LUCIANO B. ; MÖLLER, LUCIANA M. . Remarkably low genetic diversity and strong population structure in common bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) from coastal waters of the Southwestern Atlantic Ocean. Conservation Genetics, v. XX, p. X-X, 2014.

Scherer, A. L ; SCHERER, J.F.M. ; PETRY, Maria Virgínia ; VALIATI, Victor Hugo. Sexual dimorphism and body condition of wintering Whiterumped Sandpipers in southern Brazil. The Wilson Journal of Ornithology, v. 126, p. 553-561, 2014.

Maury Sayão Abreu; CHRISTOFF, Alexandre Uarth; VALIATI, Victor Hugo; OLIVEIRA, Larissa Rosa de . New distribution records of Serra do Mar Grass Mouse Akodon serrensis Thomas, 1902 (Mammalia: Rodentia: Sigmodontinae) in the southernmost Brazil. Check List (São Paulo. Online), v. 10, p. 655-659, 2014.

GONÇALVES, Juliana Wolmann; VALIATI, Victor Hugo; DELPRAT, A.; VALENTE, Vera Lucia da Silva ; Ruiz, Alfredo . Structural and sequence diversity of the transposon Galileo in the Drosophila willistoni genome. BMC Genomics, v. 15, p. 2-11, 2014.

LEMOS, V. S.; CAUDURO, G. P.; VALIATI, Victor Hugo; LEAL-ZANCHET, A. M. Phylogenetic relationships within the flatworm genus Choeradoplana Graff (Platyhelminthes : Tricladida) inferred from molecular data with the description of two new sympatric species from Araucaria moist forests. Invertebrate Systematics, v. 28, p. 605-627, 2014.​


BITELO LUDWIG, LUCIANE; VALIATI, Victor Hugo; PALAZZO, ROBERTA PASSOS; JARDIM, LAURA BANNACH ; DA ROSA, DARLAN PASE ; BONA, SILVIA ; RODRIGUES, GRAZIELA ; MARRONI, NORMA POSSA ; PRÁ, DANIEL ; MALUF, SHARBEL WEIDNER. Chromosome Instability and Oxidative Stress Markers in Patients with Ataxia Telangiectasia and Their Parents. BioMed Research International, v. 2013, p. 1-7, 2013.

MÜLLER, Mário Josias ; DORR, N. C. D.; DEPRA, M. ; SCHMITZ, Hermes José; VALIATI, Victor Hugo; Valente. V. L.S. . Reevaluating the infection status by the Wolbachia endosymbiont in Drosophila Neotropical species from the willistoni subgroup. Infection, Genetics and Evolution (Print), v. 19, p. 232-239, 2013.

SCHERER, A. L. ; SCHERER, J.F.M. ; PETRY, Maria Virgínia; VALIATI, Victor Hugo. Sexual Dimorphism, Habitat Use and Molt in Wintering Black Skimmers ( ) in the Lagoa do Peixe, Southern Brazil. Waterbirds (De Leon Springs, Fla.), v. 36, p. 438-447, 2013.

LEAL, A. L. ; DALZOCHIO, M. S. ; FLORES, T. S. ; ALVES, A. S. ; MACEDO, J. C.; VALIATI, Victor Hugo. Implementation of the sludge biotic index in a petrochemical WWTP in Brazil: improving operational control with traditional methods. Journal of Industrial Microbiology & Biotechnology, v. 40, p. 1415-1422, 2013.


BRUMMELHAUS, JAQUELINE; VALIATI, Victor Hugo; PETRY, MARIA VIRGINIA. Biparental Care of Chinstrap Penguin: Molecular Sexing and Life History in the South Shetland Islands, Antarctica. INCT-APA Annual Activity Report, v. 1, p. 86-89, 2013.



MÜLLER, Mário Josias; von Mühlen, Carine; VALIATI, Victor Hugo; VALENTE, Vera Lúcia da Silva. Wolbachia pipientis is associated with different mitochondrial haplotypes in natural populations of Drosophila willistoni. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology (Print), v. 109, p. 152-155, 2012.

MÜLLER, Mário Josias ; Mendoça, M.P. ; Oliveira, I.R. ; Oliveira, L.P.L. ; VALENTE, Vera Lucia da Silva; VALIATI, Victor Hugo. Courtship Behavior of Zaprionus indianus (Gupta) (Diptera: Drosophilidae) from Populations Colonizing South America. Neotropical Entomology (Impresso), v. 42, p. 83, 2012.​


MACHADO, Norma da Silva ; DIAS, Aline de Souza; VALENTE, Vera Lúcia da Silva; VALIATI, Victor Hugo. Characterization of mitochondrial control region, two intergenic spacers and tRNAs of Zaprionus indianus (Diptera: Drosophilidae). Genetica ('s-Gravenhage), v. 137, p. 325-332, 2009.


GARCIA, Ana Cristina Lauer ; GOTTSCHALK, Marco Silva ; MONTES, Martín Alejandro; VALIATI, Victor Hugo; ROHDE, Cláudia ; VALENTE, Vera Lúcia da Silva . Spatial and temporal variation in Drosophilidae (Diptera) abundance in three environments with different vegetal cover levels in a park in Porto Alegre, southern Brazil. Drosophila Information Service, v. 92, p. 1-4, 2009.



Garcia, Ana Cristina L.; VALIATI, Victor Hugo; Gottschalk, Marco S. ; ROHDE, Cláudia; Valente, Vera Lúcia da S. . Two decades of colonization of the urban environment of Porto Alegre, southern Brazil, by Drosophila paulistorum (Diptera, Drosophilidae). Iheringia. Série Zoologia (Impresso), v. 98, p. 329-338, 2008.

Hameister, T.M.; Izídio G.S.; VALIATI, Victor Hugo; Ramos, A . Association of a locus on rat chromosome 4 with anxiety-related behaviors in two selectively bred rat lines. Genetics and Molecular Biology (Impresso), v. 31, p. 843-849, 2008.



ROHDE, Claudia; GARCIA, Ana Cristina Lauer; VALIATI, Victor Hugo; Valente, Vera Lúcia S.. Chromosomal Evolution of Sibling Species of the Drosophila willistoni Group. I. Chromosomal Arm IIR (Muller s Element B). Genetica ('s-Gravenhage), v. 126, p. 77-88, 2006.


Garcia, A. C. L. ; ROHDE, C. ; Audino, G. F. ; VALENTE, V. L. S.; V. H. VALIATI. Identification of the sibling species of the Drosophila willistoni subgroup through the electrophoretical mobility of acid phosphatase-1. Journal of Zoological Systematics and Evolutionary Research, Blackwell Verlag, Berlin., v. 44, n.3, p. 212-216, 2006.

MACHADO, Vilmar ; VALIATI, Victor Hugo. Analysis of the geographical variation of elytral polymorphisms in three species of soldier beetles (Chauliognathus, Hentz: Cantharidae) in southern Brazil.. Revista Brasileira de Zoologia (Impresso), v. 23, p. 1051-1058, 2006.​


Silva, Norma M. da ; Fantinel, Carina da C. ; Valente, Vera L.S.; VALIATI, Victor H.. Population dynamics of the invasive species Zaprionus indianus (Gupta) (Diptera: Drosophilidae) in communities of drosophilids of Porto Alegre City, Southern of Brazil. Neotropical Entomology (Impresso), v. 34, n.3, p. 363-374, 2005.

SILVA, Norma Machado da ; FANTINEL, Carina da Conceição; VALENTE, Vera Lucia da Silva; VALIATI, Victor Hugo. Ecology of colonizing populations of the figfly Zaprionus indianus (Diptera, Drosophilidae) in Porto Alegre, Southern Brazil. Iheringia. Série Zoologia (Impresso), v. 95, n.3, p. 233-240, 2005.

VALIATI, Victor Hugo; SOFIA, Tatiana ; MACHADO, Norma da Silva; GARCIA, Ana Cristina Lauer; ROHDE, Claudia; VALENTE, Vera Ls. Colonização, competição e coexistência: insetos como modelo de invasões biológicas. Logos (Canoas), Rio Grande do Sul, v. 16, n.1, p. 13-24, 2005.


GARCIA, Ana Cristina Lauer ; GOTTSCHALK, Marco Silva ; FAGUNDES, Grazia Audino ; ROHDE, Cláudia; VALIATI, Victor Hugo; VALENTE, Vera Lúcia S. First evidence of Drosophila malerkotliana in Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil.. Drosophila Information Service, v. 88, p. 28-30, 2005.


VALENTE, Vera Lúcia da Silva; GOÑI, Beatriz; Valiati, Victor Hugo; ROHDE, Cláudia; MORALES, Nena Basílio. Chromosomal polymorphism in Drosophila willistoni populations from Uruguay. Genetics and Molecular Biology (Impresso), Brasil, v. 26, n.2, p. 163-173, 2003.


VALENTE, V. L. S. ; ROHDE, Claudia; VALIATI, Victor Hugo; MORALES, N. B. ; GONI, B. . Chromosome inversions occurring in Uruguayan populations of Drosophila willistoni.. Drosophila Information Service, University of Oklahoma, v. 84, p. 55-59, 2001.​


VALIATI, Victor Hugo; SILVA, Norma Machado da ; VALENTE, Vera Lúcia da Silva. Spontaneous mutant phenotypes found in urban D.paulistorum and D. willistoni populations.. Drosophila Information Service, University of Oklahoma., v. 82, p. 118-120, 1999.


VALIATI, Victor Hugo; Valente, Vera Lucia S. . Chromosomal polymorphism in urban populations of Drosophila paulistorum. Brazilian Journal of Genetics (Impresso) (Cessou em 1997. Cont. ISSN 1415-4757 Genetics and Molecular Biology (Impresso), v. 20, n.4, p. 567-581, 1997.


VALIATI, Victor Hugo; VALENTE, Vera Lúcia dos Santos . Observations on ecological parameters of urban populations of Drosophila paulistorum Dobzhansky & Pavan (Diptera, Drosophilidae).. Revista Brasileira de Entomologia (Impresso), v. 40, n.2, p. 225-231, 1996. 


ROHDE, C. ; PINTO JR, H.; VALIATI, Victor Hugo; SCHRANK, A. ; VALENTE, Vera Ls. Localization of the Cu/Zn Superoxide dismutase gene in the Drosophila willistoni species group by in situ hybridization.. Cytobios, v. 80, p. 193-198, 1994.​



​Claudio João Bernardi e Victor Hugo Valiati. Respostas fisiológicas de Moringa oleifera Lam. e suas interpretações para o cultivo e utilização da espécie no clima tropical continental do Estado do Mato Grosso, Brasil. 1. ed. São Paulo, SP: Dialética Editora, 2022. v. 1. 116p.

Tolotti, Adriana ; AZEVEDO FILHO, W. S. ; CARVALHO, G. S. ; VALERIO, J. R. ; VALIATI, Victor Hugo . Cigarrinhas-das-Pastagens em Gramíneas Forrageiras no Brasil. 1. ed. Porto Alegre, RS: Evangraf, 2018. v. 1000. 119p .

Claudio João Bernardi e Victor Hugo Valiati

VALIATI, Victor Hugo; Ormazabal, Ana Gabriela ; DORNELES, T. F. K. ; DAUDT, M. ; NABINGER, V. ; ALTENHOFEN, Rafael José ; MACHADO, Vilmar ; MÜLLER, Mário Josias ; LEHMANN, P. C. ; Schulz, Uwe Horst . Diversidade Genética e Conservação de Salminus brasiliensis nas bacias hidrográficas do Paraná, Uruguai e Guaíba. Fundamentos para povoamento e repovoamento do peixe dourado em nossos rios.. 1. ed. São Leopoldo: OIKOS, 2014.

VALIATI, Victor Hugo; Ibere Farina Machado (Org.) ; Leonardo Felipe Bairos Moreira (Org.) ; Leonardo Maltchik (Org.) ; PETRY, Maria Virgínia (Org.) ; Eliara Solange Müller (Org.) ; Lucas Krüger (Org.) ; OLIVEIRA, Larissa Rosa de (Org.) ; Maury Sayão Abreu (Org.) ; Fabrícia Barbieri (Org.) ; Paulo Tomasi (Org.) ; Mateus Evangelista Leal (Org.) ; Schulz, Uwe Horst (Org.) ; Pablo Lehmann (Org.) ; DEIQUES, C. H. (Org.) . Almanaque do Rio dos Sinos. Novo Hamburgo: Grupo Editorial Sinos S/A, 2011. 90p.​

Book Chapter

CAUDURO, G. P. ; Falcon, T. ; LEAL, A. L.; VALIATI, V. H. . Differential Expression of Genes Involved in Utilization of Benzo(a)Pyrene in Burkholderia vietnamiensis G4 Strain. Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering. 1ed.: Springer International Publishing, 2017, v. , p. 68-72.

Pittol, Michele; VALIATI, Victor Hugo ; FIUZA, Lídia Mariana . Correlation between spore-forming bacteria and physicochemical parameters in water samples from irrigated rice ecosystems in Southern Brazil.. In: A. Mendez-Vilas. (Org.). Microbes in Applied Research: Current Advances and Challenges.. 1ed.Danvers, USA: World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd., 2012, v. , p. 70-75.

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